When you look at your children everything else you have done in your life pales in comparison.
The craziness of a project at work
Getting the house painted
Continually picking up after your family
We can make lists for days about the things that bother us, the things we want to change, the good and the bad. But if you are a parent, the bottom line is that nothing in this world compares to being part of a child's life.
Today, my family celebrates my 15 year old son, "Lance". He came into this world at 9:56 pm on June 23, 1996 and my world has never been the same.
He has taught me about choo-choo trains, bugs, coloring inside the lines, how to eat a juicy grape, watching Disney movies, art, music, bullies, hemophilia, and finding an inner strength I never knew I had.
My life truly began when he was born. I have done and felt things I never dreamed possible. The most amazing thing I've learned how to do is love.
When the doctor placed him on my chest after he was just born, I felt as if I was about to suffocate. I didn't understand at that moment, but came to realize that feeling was love in a way I had never experienced. A full, smothering, all encompassing love.
How do you love someone you just barely met?
God makes that happen.
He brings these little creatures into our lives to change us. To make us more human. To show us how He loves us.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. birthday's
2. marble cake
3. curly bows
4. surprises
5. love
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