God has been working
on me. And He has made me listen. I have felt God's call on my life for quite
some time and I have let life get in the way.
My "Christian's" hemophilia has really kept me busy,
"Lance" has been struggling with his online schooling, and the death
of my dear mother-in-law has been keeping my family life very full. Top it off with my husband's ministry as a
pastor and my working as a patient advocate full-time has left little time for
seminary. I took a break, with all
intention of not going back. I mean, one
pastor in the family is enough, right?
I have officially entered the "Inquiry" Process in the United Methodist Church. I have a mentor, who is one that will truly keep me accountable. She is a Deacon in El Paso and has worked with my husband quite a bit. We had our first meeting yesterday. She is fantastic :)
This process the United Methodist Church has developed helps those who have a call to ministry to discern what they are hearing and feeling. Sometimes people go through this process and decide to not move forward. That very well may be what happens with me. I have not a clue what is to come, I just know that God is leading me to discover what He is truly laying on my heart.
When is the last time you stopped and listened?
1. Unexpected play dates
2. Wipeout :)
3. Kindergarten homework
4. A plant to re-pot
5. A new sofa and chair