But now I am entering the world of online education.
It's amazing how a class can be structured online. Forums, chats, email, postings....it's a new world! Quite different than my last class 20 years ago at Houston Baptist University :)
I will admit, I was beyond overwhelmed last night. I was to the point where I thought, "What was I thinking? I can't do this! Who was I kidding? I'm too old to go back to school!"
But, my wonderful husband said something to me...
"Do the next right thing."
He was right.
I did the next right thing. I took my assignment step by step, I didn't worry about the whole picture, and now I am where I need to be for the week!
It's so easy to get overwhelmed. Maybe it's school, a project at work, a house to clean before company arrives, a PTA meeting at the same time as soccer practice, and let's not forget the laundry!
Sometimes we get in such a hurry to get things done. I find that if I take a breath and think about the next right thing to do, my day is better and the end result is exactly what I was looking for.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. wise words
2. an empty email inbox
3. boxes
4. my new laptop
5. my upcoming trip to Dallas
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