Sunday, May 13, 2012


It's been almost 16 years since Mama passed away.  I think of her often and today I have a warmth in my heart as I think about her.

The homemade french fries she would make after school.

The $20 bill that would come in the mail when I was off at college (always right when I needed it).

The new outfit she would surprise me with when I was pregnant and growing a bit too fast :).

Cracking up in laughter with her over the silliest things.

Hearing the music to the show "Dallas" and knowing her and Daddy were glued to the television (and the O.J. trial).

And the daily phone calls, which I miss most of all.

I miss her everyday.  Lydia Campos was my mother, and I am a better person (and Mom) because of how she loved me.

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Regina (Black) Wilcox said...

This post made me smile and have SO many memories flood in on me. Lydia Campos was not my mother, BUT I, too, am a better person and mother for having known her. Love you Sandy :)

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  • The Mark of the Lion Triology, Francine Rivers
  • The Mitford Series, Jan Karon

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