Friday, February 12, 2010

Oozing with purpose

As I am in my early forties, I have struggled with many things. I'll admit, I've had a bit of a midlife crisis. But the one thing I often question is, "What is my purpose in life?"

I've come up with many things:
to be a good mother
to be a good wife
to bring as much as I can to my job
to make sure my children are taken care of medically (hemophilia)
to support my husband in ministry
the list goes on.

But isn't the ultimate purpose we should all strive for the same? To bring glory to God in all that we do! To ooze the spirit of Christ in all of our comings and goings, to ooze through the words we use, the love we share. That should be the way we live our lives.

We will be good mothers and wives. Everything for the glory of God , even if we don't get the results we are looking for, our intent and passion to serve Christ will shine through.

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. my prayer journal
2. button down shirts
3. freshly, polished fingernails
4. grape juice
5. shined boots


Speakers and Writers


Photo credits ~ Dreamstime

A 2008 Graduate of

Recommended Reading

  • Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, Joanna Weaver
  • Praying the Names of God, Ann Spangler
  • The Shack, William P. Young
  • Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Redeeming Love, Francine Rivers
  • Bad Girls of the Bible, Liz Curtis Higgs
  • The Mark of the Lion Triology, Francine Rivers
  • The Mitford Series, Jan Karon

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