We are always short of time.
"If only I had a few more hours in the day..."
"If only I had a few extra weeks before the holidays actually arrived..."
"If only I had a few more months of my child being an infant..."
We could go on and on about "needing" more time.
I had a realization this past weekend as I attending the Sangre de Oro Family Education Weekend (bleeding disorder community in New Mexico). I looked around and there were lots of young parents and lots of older adults, but no one my age (early 40's).
It was strange. I mean, I guess I am really getting older and am not a "young parent" anymore. I feel like one...but I'm not.
I remember my mom at the age I am at. She was diagnosed with diabetes and her health started to deteriorate. She seemed so much older than I feel right now.
But something happened this weekend that definitely made me feel older.
When I did this...my eyeliner went on so much easier...
Have you had that moment where you accepted the fact that time was marching on?
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. a new doctor
2. hearing good things about my husband's ministry
3. fat envelopes
4. having the week off from taking Christian to chemo
5. new folders
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