On our refrigerator is our family motto:
"Live Simply, Love Generously, Speak Kindly, Leave the Rest to God."
I stopped and read it the other day and really started to think about each statement.
"Live Simply"
That's a hard one. We are always striving for more/better. More things, the newest model of game or iPod. Things do not make us who we are. I've been keeping the "Live Simply" idea at the front of my mind. Stuff is stuff. To live simply, we need less stuff, that's why I've been decluttering like a madwoman. My garage looks great!
"Love Generously"
When it comes to my children this is a no brainer. But what about a member at church who has been rude to your child? That's a hard one. But I have realized that to love doesn't mean hugging and showing affection, but it also means to earnestly pray for someone, while you are working on forgivenss. I pray daily for others and some people are on my list that are not necessarily my closest of friends.
"Speak Kindly"
I really do take Ephesians 4:29 to heart: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Words can hurt worse than any pain inflicted on a person. I've used words in the past that still haunt me.
"Leave the Rest to God"
This is not as easy as it sounds. We have to surrender our lives to God daily. There are only so many things that are truly in our control. Everything else, we must leave in the hands of the Almighty.
Do you have a family motto? I'd love to hear it!
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. the opportunity to preach this Sunday
2. "hearing" my son sleep
3. late night grocery shopping
4. old cards
5. planning a day off
"Live Simply, Love Generously, Speak Kindly, Leave the Rest to God."
I stopped and read it the other day and really started to think about each statement.
"Live Simply"
That's a hard one. We are always striving for more/better. More things, the newest model of game or iPod. Things do not make us who we are. I've been keeping the "Live Simply" idea at the front of my mind. Stuff is stuff. To live simply, we need less stuff, that's why I've been decluttering like a madwoman. My garage looks great!
"Love Generously"
When it comes to my children this is a no brainer. But what about a member at church who has been rude to your child? That's a hard one. But I have realized that to love doesn't mean hugging and showing affection, but it also means to earnestly pray for someone, while you are working on forgivenss. I pray daily for others and some people are on my list that are not necessarily my closest of friends.
"Speak Kindly"
I really do take Ephesians 4:29 to heart: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Words can hurt worse than any pain inflicted on a person. I've used words in the past that still haunt me.
"Leave the Rest to God"
This is not as easy as it sounds. We have to surrender our lives to God daily. There are only so many things that are truly in our control. Everything else, we must leave in the hands of the Almighty.
Do you have a family motto? I'd love to hear it!
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. the opportunity to preach this Sunday
2. "hearing" my son sleep
3. late night grocery shopping
4. old cards
5. planning a day off
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